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Interseeder / No Till Drill Rental

Ozaukee County has a Interseeder / No Till Drill available for rent. 
The price is $18/acre and includes tractor, planter & driver. 

Photo Caption: John Lanser interseeding the Clean Farm Famlies Eskra test plot on 6/16/2020.


Interseeder comes with tractor and driver.  It converts from a 7.5 inch no-till drill for planting cover crops, winter wheat etc., to an Interseeder planting 3 rows of cover crop between for 30" row corn.


Download flyer below for more information!


Airseeder Rental

Ozaukee County's Valmar 246,      60 foot boom airseeder is available for rent for $10/acre.

This implement is dropped off on your farm for your tractor hook-up and use, and includes a staff member for calibration and setup. 

Airseeder Rental

Photo Caption: Adam Melichar airseeds winter rye behind corn silage. Nov 2022.


This airseeder is hydraulic fan powered and ground driven.  It requires a power source hook-up in the cab to enable the clutch and 4 section control boom shut off.  The monitor in the cab also shows you your hydraulic setting and will alert you if it is too low or too high.  Your tractor must have adequate hydraulic flow to operate.


Download flyer below for more information!


Crimper Rental

Ozaukee County has a Crimper available for rent. The price is $7/acre

This implement is dropped off on your farm for your tractor hook-up and use.

Crimper Rental

Photo Caption: Crimper placed on the front end of the tractor to crimp and plant in one pass.


This crimper has a 16-inch rolling steel drum with blunt blades and a 3-point hitch attachment that can either be tractor pulled or front mounted depending on your tractor set up. The chevron roller can be turned around based on your setup and can also be filled with water for added weight. 


Download flyer below for more information!

Winker - Front of Tractor.msg.jpg

Mike Paulus- President  |  414-378-6453

Matt Winker- Vice President  |  262-689-8994

Sarah Jaeger- Soil Health Specialist  |  |  414-628-1092

Katie Vogeler- Land and Water Director  |  |  262-284-8279

Land & Water Management |  121 W. Main Street,  Po Box 994  |  Port Washington, WI 53074

Please return all mail, forms and checks to Ozaukee County:      Attention Land & Water Management


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